10 APR 2024

The debut of RideAlone at the Bologna Cycling Tourism Fair was a significant moment for the company and for the cycling tourism sector as a whole. As exhibitors for the first time, we had the opportunity to showcase our projects and establish contacts with other industry professionals.

During the event, we observed with interest the interaction of visitors with our booth and our products. The response was positive, with considerable interest in our proposals and our vision for the future of cycling tourism.

Conversations with participants were constructive and allowed us to better understand the needs and expectations of cycling enthusiasts. This feedback will help us further shape our offerings to meet market demands.

Participation in the Cycling Tourism Fair provided us with an important platform to establish connections and explore collaboration opportunities in the sector. We are confident that this experience will provide a solid starting point for our journey in the world of cycling tourism.

We would like to thank everyone who visited our booth and contributed to the success of our participation.